Phishing Frenzy - Email Phishing Reporting Features

Phishing Frenzy: Increase Reporting Fu

Author: Brandon McCann Posted In Phishing On: 2014/06/11 Comments: 2
Phishing Frenzy: Increase Reporting Fu

The development and addition of new features within Phishing Frenzy (PF) continues to grow. Some of these latest upgrades and email phishing features come from a lot of feedback that I have obtained from the community. Thank you all for the great feedback regarding PF.

Recently PF was converted and upgraded to run the latest version of bootstrap. Previously PF was running bootstrap version 2 and was missing out on some of the latest bootstrap features. The conversion was fairly long and painful, but the end result is very pleasing.

Feast your eyes on some of the latest additions to PF.

New Dashboard

The main dashboard page that you first see when you login was completely rewritten and revamped. The dashboard now gives you a high level overview of the email phishing results for each campaign that has been launched.

UI Enhancements

There as alot of feedback given that the UI navigation needed to be tweaked. The overall flow throughout the application often felt clunky and locating items was often difficult. With some new UI tweaks we hope to eliminate some of the navigation issues by merging the “campaign#show” and “campaign#options” into one single page. This should allow for easier management of email phishing campaigns.

Additional Reporting Options

PF is now equipped with a bunch of  new reports. You now have the ability to create XML exports, PDF reports, view passwords harvested, view raw apache logs and more.

Export XML

PF now has the ability to export all the nitty gritty details about your email phishing campaign! Now that all the campaign statistics are held within the database we can quickly generate an XML output from the campaign. This should allow some of you scripters out there to quickly export and parse the results in your own way.

PDF Reports

PF can now generate a PDF report about the campaign details. If you’ve ever wanted to send your client all the details about an email phishing campaign this report is just for you. The PDF generation process was created using the prawn gem and offers a lot of flexibility for additional PDF reporting needs.

Modal Windows

One of the biggest reasons for the conversion to bootstrap 3 was the modal windows. The latest version of bootstrap 3 makes it super simple to add modal windows to any application. Now PF comes loaded with a bunch of new modal windows to help please the UI experience.

If you haven’t had a chance to checkout PF your really missing out. Grab the latest code from github and let me know what you think. As always if you encounter a bug or would like to request a feature, using the github ticketing system.

Enjoy Phishing All the Things!

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  • Hi, great work. I am in the process of creating new templates base on real phising case we faced. I will submit it. Do people have already publishing templates out of the 2 default one shipped with PF ?

    • zeknox

      No one has yet submitted a PR for the phishing-frenzy-templates repository. Be the first and lead the charge. I’ll review the template and approve it if they are working properly. Would love to have a huge repository someday where we all have templates to share and use within the community. Let me know if you have questions.

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