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Phishing Frenzy: SSL Support on Rails 4 with Syntax Highlighting

Phishing Frenzy: SSL Support on Rails 4

It’s been a little over a year since I started phishing full time with Phishing Frenzy and there is no looking back now. The project has really come a long way since I first started with it. I can’t thank the community enough for all the support and contributions along the way. Phishing today seems more enjoyable than ever before and I owe a lot of that gratification to Phishing Frenzy.

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Phishing Frenzy: HTA PowerShell Attacks with BeEF

If you’re not currently using Phishing Frenzy, BeEF, or PowerSploit for your Phishing campaigns you’re really missing out. In this article we are briefly going to cover what I consider to be one of the “new hotness” attack vectors that every pentester should be using in their next phishing assessment.

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Phishing Frenzy: Increase Reporting Fu

Phishing Frenzy: Increase Reporting Fu

The development and addition of new features within Phishing Frenzy (PF) continues to grow. Some of these latest upgrades and email phishing features come from a lot of feedback that I have obtained from the community. Thank you all for the great feedback regarding PF.

Recently PF was converted and upgraded to run the latest version of bootstrap. Previously PF was running bootstrap version 2 and was missing out on some of the latest bootstrap features. The conversion was fairly long and painful, but the end result is very pleasing.

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Thotcon 0x5 Phishing Frenzy

Thotcon 0x5 Phishing Frenzy

As most of you already know, Thotcon one of the paramount security conferences took place a couple weeks ago in Chicago. I got the incredible opportunity to present on the main stage about Phishing Frenzy and show off some of the new features now available.

During the presentation at Thotcon Adam Ringwood and I gave a live demo of the new features and executed a simulated email phishing attack. Those of you who missed it I’ve summarized most of the details in this blog post.Read More

Phishing Frenzy: Installing the Monster

If you’ve been following along with us, you’ve noticed we recently released a new software tool for penetration testers called Phishing  Frenzy (PF). PF is a feature rich ruby on rails application that helps manage your email phishing campaigns from creation, customization, to execution.

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Introducing Phishing Frenzy

Introducing Phishing Frenzy

A couple weeks ago I presented at this years Derbycon on an email phishing platform that I have been working on. The web application is geared towards penetration testers who want to help streamline the creation and management of email phishing campaigns. The application is written in ruby on rails and is available for download on the Github repository: Phishing Frenzy.

For those of you who came out to my presentation, I appreciate you all getting up so early (Saturday 9am) to hear my talk. Those of you who missed the talk I went over some of the features of Phishing Frenzy and launched a live phishing simulation. You can see the recording below thanks to irongeek. If your looking to see just the demo, fast forward to 11:52.

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PentestGeek Was At Derbycon 3.0 “All in The Family”

PentestGeek Was At Derbycon 3.0 "All in The Family"


Ok so I know it isn’t exactly breaking news that DerbyCon 3.0 was awesome. Still I wanted to take a moment to reach out to any of our readers living under a rock and let them know that last September, the PentestGeek.com crew had an opportunity to represent at one of the coolest Information Security events of the year, the DerbyCon!

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Pwn all the Sauce with Caller ID Spoofing

Pwn all the Sauce with Caller ID Spoofing

If we’re going to perform some pre-text phone calls we have a couple different options when it comes to the caller ID. We really only have 3 possible options which are: we do nothing to the phone number, we block our phone number, or we spoof our phone number.

Doing nothing to the caller ID will sometimes work depending on the area code you call from versus the area code that your client is located in. In my experiences, sometimes not blocking the number yields better results than blocking the number. I always feel like users are more suspicious when the caller ID says ‘blocked’or ‘unavailable’. Not only are they on heightened awareness, but I feel like they are less likely to even answer the phone thinking it’s most likely a telemarketer.

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Track User Clicks when Email Phishing

Track User Clicks when Email Phishing

When performing email phishing engagements my clients often ask or want to know what users actually clicked on the phishing email. There are many ways to accomplish this task, but I’m going to discuss the method I use to track each unique visitor to my phishing website.

I prefaced this article in one of my previous blog posts “How do I phish” where I discuss using a ruby script I call sendmail.rb. There is nothing special or magical about the script, it just offers an alternative way to send phishing emails that will assist in tracking each unique visit to your phishing website. There is also value in knowing the CIO or some other C-level executive was just phished.

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